Is this Written as Blinc Policy ?
Or is this just a Choice of the Moderator ?
A Personal Choice ?
Based on that Moderators Personal Feelings?
Is it just a Automatic choice done by, Artificial intelligence, your Web. Site ?
If so was it told to do so.
Was it by a human being with a Aversion to the word, **** ?
is a very mild use of a Slang word.
I can use the word Penis.
I can not use the word , ****.
This lack of intelligence by Human or Artificial intelligence just has me baffled.

I have this funny feeling, and correct me if I am WRONG.
If you are using Microsoft in any way shape or form.
Maybe It does not, Recognize the word, ****. ?
I personally recognize the word, ****.
I use the word **** quit often.

How about doing me a big personal favor ?
Let me use the word, ****.
It would make me happy and make me shut-up for a while.

thank you.....
Ray Losli