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Thread: Indoor BASE Challege in Germany

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  1. #16

    Re: Indoor BASE Challege in Germany

    But Miles is quite simply one of the nicest, likeable and helpful people you're likely to meet and he has the skills to back it up too.
    Dr. Nick

    Nitro Rigging

  2. #17
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Re: Indoor BASE Challege in Germany

    Quote Originally Posted by sabre210 View Post
    And i feel compelled to add the following too....

    I'd heard a lot, and i mean a LOT about the world famous Mr. Daisher, of Red Bull sponsored fame, and a lot of it not nice to boot, and of course I've seen numerous videos with him grinning and being generally hyper like Beavis on a sugar rush, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't expecting some irritating yahoo.

    But Miles is quite simply one of the nicest, likeable and helpful people you're likely to meet and he has the skills to back it up too.

    I mention this because to me it's yet further proof that as useful as the internet is with spreading information, it's also a very divisive tool which is hopeless at communicating personalities. Invariably the real people behind the online personas and reputations are warmer, friendlier and more human than you are led to believe.
    I agree with you. But I think it is not the best idea to chose RedBull as your sponsor if you are a hyperactive person like Miles.
    If I where him I would change my sponsor from RedBull to Valium, this would probably bring him to a 08/15 avarege activity level of a "normal" person...

    And Ian, don't worry, it's al good! You have done at least one freefall. Thats better then nothing...

    By the way, I only freefalled the jumps to have an excuse for my poor landing skills. And also because my canopy skills are so poor that I would have been much more in danger for every aditional second under canopy inside a building sorounded with scarry walls

  3. #18

    Re: Indoor BASE Challege in Germany

    Quote Originally Posted by mikki_zh View Post
    I agree with you. But I think it is not the best idea to chose RedBull as your sponsor if you are a hyperactive person like Miles.
    If I where him I would change my sponsor from RedBull to Valium, this would probably bring him to a 08/15 avarege activity level of a "normal" person...

    And Ian, don't worry, it's al good! You have done at least one freefall. Thats better then nothing...

    By the way, I only freefalled the jumps to have an excuse for my poor landing skills. And also because my canopy skills are so poor that I would have been much more in danger for every aditional second under canopy inside a building sorounded with scarry walls

    Quite the opposite! Both Miles and I are hyperactive and stimulants calm us down...I become a zombie when I powder my nose! And I really don't like it!
    Dr. Nick

    Nitro Rigging

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