Max Moret
Date: April 30, 2011 Nationality: French
Object Type: Earth
Location: Vercors, Molaire, France
COD: Impact
Clothes / Suit: Wingsuit


This is information from the other jumper on this load.

Max, 23, around 120 BASE jumps, including 50 wingsuit, is doing a 2-way from an exit he knows very well. He jumped many times from that spot during the whole winter season, with and without wingsuit.

This jump is a 350m cliff that gives access to a total 700m until landing into a large grass field. The weather is good.

They both did a perfect patrol flight until the opening. Max was higher than his mate who pulled at normal height and lost eye contact. During his opening he saw Max passing by, arms on his back, apparently falling fast and trying to reach his PC in his leg pouch.

Max impacted the talus at full speed with his PC in.
There seems to be no reason for this accident.
Max had this V3 since a few jumps, and his preceeding V2 also had a leg pouch.
