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Thread: Verona's accident

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  1. #1

    Verona's accident

    This was as close to a fatal accident as you can come without being fatal (my memory is that she coded more than once). Now she is married with children, making me think her surgeons were really really good!

    Verona's accident - YouTube


  2. #2

    Re: Verona's accident

    Why did she not let go of that pilot chute? What was the reasoning?
    Watching videos like that are no good for me. Glad you're alright wherever you are Verona.

  3. #3

    Re: Verona's accident

    The jump point was bowl shaped which caused both of them to inadvertently jump towards the center, placing verona too close to being above him. She was waiting for him to open and be out of the way and clearly miscalculated how long it was taking. Dual jumps have to be planned carefully....and at some point you have to risk opening collision over ground or water impact. She recovered, thanks to some first rate medical care, and despite being essentially ripped nearly in half, now has three kids. (those must have been some _really_ good surgeons!)

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