Maksim Malanchuck
Date: May 30, 2013 Nationality: Russian
Object Type: Earth
Location: Cei-Loam, Caucasus
COD: Impact
Clothes / Suit: WingSuit

Cei-Loam exit point , 9 second rock drop, multiway, excellent start, turned left to take a line over the nearby ridge, and as he approached it, visibly he was considerably lower than the second jumper flying the same line. 30 seconds into the jump they heard an impact sound and his canopy open. Other jumpers called the rescue and jumped after, and as they flew over they saw him lying on the ground with a partially inflated canopy, next to him. As rescuers got to him, they stated he died on impact. Max was a very skilled jumper and he never pushed it.

(example of another jumper flying that exit)
