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About the New BASE Wiki.


Disclaimer: Read the text below carefully, and feel free to change your mind about BASE and practice safer sports instead. Browsing this website implies you have read this disclaimer and agree with it.

On Risks
BASE jumping is a highly dangerous sport that can severely injure and kill participants. Read the BASE fatality list and think long and hard before making a BASE jump. It may kill you. The moderators of BLiNC do not recommend BASE jumping to anybody!

Nobody, not even the authors of this website, can guarantee the correctness of the information on this website. Not all jumpers necessarily agree with all content on this website. Some topics mention where opinions differ, but a one-side presentation on a subject does not mean it isn’t controversial in the BASE community nor that there isn’t a better way to do things.

The authors of these documents accept no responsibility, financially or otherwise for any loss, serious injury or death that occurs as a result of any persons following the advice contained within this document.

BASE jumping and wingsuit BASE jumping are extremely dangerous activities carrying risk of serious injury or death. Performing the activities described in this document with out becoming an expert skydiver and completing dedicated BASE / wingsuit training will likely result in a demonstration of natural selection.

You, and YOU alone, are responsible for your safety.

Always seek proper training and mentoring before attempting any sort of BASE jumping. Do not think the information on this website alone is enough to keep you alive. It is not. Read other Resources and talk to many other experienced BASE jumpers.

Browsing this website implies you take responsibility for your own actions. If you get injured, arrested or killed, don’t complain.
BASE WIKI recommends legal base jumping and discourages jumpers from breaking the law. Yet, BASE WIKI recognizes that jumps of dubious legal nature will be continue to be made. As such, it will provide information that can help jumpers make such jumps with the least amount of impact.

BASE WIKI strongly objects against any jumps that involve breaking other people’s property, hurt the environment or cause harm to other people. Wherever you jump; take only pictures, leave only footprints.

Terms Of Use

BASE WIKI has zero tolerance for profanity, personal attacks or otherwise inappropriate material, as judged by the administrator.

BASE WIKI reserves the right to edit any page and comment. By contributing to, editing or commenting on this wiki, you release the information (but not the copyright) in the BASE Wiki. You retain the copyright on the original but make it available for editing. BASE WIKI will host immutable articles and can mark them as such. BASE WIKI prefers wiki-style editable contributions though.

All material on BASE WIKI is copyrighted by the authors. No parts may be printed elsewhere without explicit permission from participating authors.

BLiNC Magazine strongly encourages readers to comment on its content. Read the Disclaimer and the policy on Site Naming. Posting a comment releases it in the Public Domain. These comments will be moderated. If you see inappropriate content, please notify the administrator
All rights reserved. No republication of this material, in any form or medium, is permitted without express permission of the author. All images and words are protected by U.S. and International Copyright laws. Copyright 1994-2011

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