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Fernando Brito

Fernando Brito

Date: June 5, 2016
Nationality: Brazilian
Object Type: Earth
Location: Gavea, Rio, Brazil
COD: Bad exit due to high winds, 5-6 secs from exit
Clothes / Suit: Wingsuit - Vampire Race
Parachute: TBD
Age: TBD
Experience: Highly Experienced with Approx 320 wingsuit jumps from this site alone
Time of day: 5:00pm

From what we know Brito arrived at 02:00pm at exit point with another SD jumper. Brito was flying his VRACE and had several jumps on it. They waited at the top approximately for 2 hours because it was too windy. They decided to jump and briefing was a 2 way where Brito exiting a few seconds later would do a flyby at his friend under canopy. But Brito didn't exit and his friend called him from landing. He said winds got gusty and that he would wait. After 15 min he sends a message saying he was exiting in 3 min. After 10 min his friend called and there was no answer. We found his body the next day, hiking because weather became too bad for choppers. He was about 200mts below exit. Camera (selfie mounted) was found 2 days after but just now I saw the video. It looks like he SLIPPED.
After the push, less than a second after, he's in a 45 degree bank to the LEFT (opposite side of the line); then about 2 seconds after he's kicking and struggling not to turn on his back as he's at a 90 degree bank. He does not barrel, but recovers, already facing north (line is to the south) and continues to turn left till he finishes the whole 270 and tries to fly away. Video stops seconds before impact. Winds were visible on the grass at the exit, possibly moderate. But I don't think he would have made it even with perfect conditions, just may opinion. He used to exit with his right foot in front. He would advance his right foot and push, in a 2 moves exit. He probably stepped at his leg wing and lost grip at his right foot.

Lesson here is very simple. Today's big suits do not allow this kind of exit. I called it DYNAMIC EXIT, if there's another name please correct me. EXITING SHOULD BE ONE MOVE. If you want to exit with one foot ahead, just place it ahead, make sure it's clear of the leg wing and THEN exit.
Brito had Approx 320 jumps from Gavea alone. He was simply the best of the Brazilian crew. An amazingly positive and kind person that hosted a whole lot of people from everywhere at his place. He will be deeply missed, specially by the Brazilian community.
Thanks for respecting Brito, OPSMA

  • Gavea is a 6sec rock drop jump and we are very pleased to share information about it with anyone that shows up, so please ask.

The List:
BASE Fatality List

*** Please send updates, additions, corrections, or comments to: bfl@baselogic.com, or please contact us.

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In the interest of fairness and accuracy this List will present an inaccurate view when not taken in context. These listed events represent fatalities that have occurred over a period of time spanning 1981 to the present.

This List is not 100% accurate.
These reports change as new information becomes available.
Fatalities are not necessarily in order of their occurrence.

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