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The FLiK is a BASE specific canopy made by Apex BASE. It was introduced in June of 2002.

The aspect ratio on the FLiK is 2.04/1 and utilizes I-beam construction with triple cross-ports for even and rapid pressurization. The canopy is also constructed using bottom surface spanwise reinforcement connecting each line attachment point.

The FLiK is currently offered in a total of 10 sizes; 182, 200, 220, 242, 254, 266, 280, 293, 308, 322, and 354 square feet.

The FLiK has several design differences when compared to similar canopies from Apex BASE. The FLiK uses the same airfoil shape as the FOX but boasts a slightly higher aspect ratio of 2.04 to 1 as compared to 1.97 to 1 on the FOX canopy.

The FLiK has Apex's optional Vtec (Vent Technology). The FLiK Vtec will come standard with a unique vent cover design. The cover allows maximum inflow during pressurization then shuts during flight to maximize flight performance. The Vtec cover pivots well forward of the vent thus giving a large opening for the inflowing air. 'Any air that moves forward while the cover is open can escape through 3 cross port style openings in the cover', says Todd Shoebotham, co-founder of Apex BASE.

The FLiK was designed for improved performance and a reduction of bulk. The FLiK has the Vtec and Multi as options, but comes standard with Tail Gate, Tail Gate Friendly Lines(color coded red), Tail Pocket, and mesh slider.

More information on this canopy can be found on Apex BASE's webpage for the FLiK.

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Categories: Category:Gear
Tags: base, canopy, fox, gear, openings

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