Josefin Sando

Josefin Sandö

BFL# : 374 (11th of the year)

Name: Josefin Sandö
Date: 15th August 2019.
Nationality: Swedish
Location: ITW -Brento, Italy
Object Type: Earth
COD: Tension Knot leading to hard impact against wall
Clothes / Suit: Two piece Tracking suit (Squirrel)
Gear / Parachute: Crux - Hayduke
Age: 29
Skydive Experience: Unknown
BASE Experience: 30-50 jumps (FJC 11th July 2016)
WS BASE Experience: 0
Years/Seasons in Base: 3 seasons
Time of day: 7-8am
Casual factors: Unknown
Exit Altitude: 1545m (5068ft)
Conditions: Unknown
Wind on exit: light to no wind (NE)
Description: This was a two way jump
This report was obtained by reviewing the deceased’s helmet mounted video.
The jumper performed a 9 second delay with reasonable track. On deployment the canopy opens off heading to the right but then immediately starts rotating hard to the left, completing a rotation approximately every 2 seconds. A large tension knot between the left brake line and rear left line group is visible in the helmet video footage.
The jumper tries pumping the rear risers in turn without effect. The jumper pulls down the left and right brake toggle without effect. The canopy continues in a rapid spiral decent to the left. The jumper appears to flare the canopy and stops the rotation but then the canopy starts turning again to the left and strikes the talus. The canopy flies away but continues to rotate and this time strikes the talus head on, the jumper becomes entangled in the canopy and slides / falls down the steep talus wrapped in their canopy.
Emergency services were called and upon arrival she was found deceased.
The day after this incident another jumper had exactly the same scenario, they luckily hung up on the talus, preventing serious injury.

The List:
BASE Fatality List

*** Please send updates, additions, corrections, or comments to:, or please contact us.

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In the interest of fairness and accuracy this List will present an inaccurate view when not taken in context. These listed events represent fatalities that have occurred over a period of time spanning 1981 to the present.

This List is not 100% accurate.
These reports change as new information becomes available.
Fatalities are not necessarily in order of their occurrence.

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