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Kevin Morroun Printable Version

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Kevin Morroun

Date: March 21, 2014
Nationality: American
Object Type: Earth
Location: Sweet Spot, Moab, Utah
COD: Impact. Low Pull
Clothes / Suit: Normal Clothes

We spent the day at Mineral Bottom, had two great jumps from Mari's Gash, the wind picked up so we decided to pack, look for a different exit point and see if it dies out. He wanted me to jump Sweet Spot as I'm not an experienced jumper and it's massively overhung with a great landing area. We looked for a while but couldn't find it, we found Enterprise though and I decided that we should jump this instead. We sat there waiting for the wind to die, He didn't seem so convinced by it and say he was going for a walk, I guess he was worried about me and wanted to find Sweet Spot. While I was waiting with our friend Evgenii at the exit point we saw him on another fin, he was screaming that he found it. He came to get us and I walked, ran, hand in hand with him to the exit point... We were stoked, Sweet Spot is a Sweet Spot.

He asked Evgenii to go first so I was not the first one to jump and he could be with me when I exit. He checked everything my gear and the wind and I went. He had planned a double gainer, as his friend
Daniel Moore, who passed a few month ago, had done his first double from this exit point. He was scared, shaking. Evgenii and I waited a long time for him to jump, he kept going back and fourth, turning his camera on and off, screaming "fuck!" a few times. Finally, he jumped. He completed his first rotation but stalled the second, by the time he was back belly to earth he said "Oh shit!", pulled, I heard the loud sound of impact. The canopy was out but the lines still stowed.

People should learn from this and remember two very basic rules: If you don't feel it, don't do it, and whatever you are doing keep your altitude in mind, better pull on your back than too late.

He was most definitely the best human prototype, genuinely stoked about life and always ready to help anyone without excepting anything in return. He will be greatly missed by those who lives he touched.

Sarah Taz

The List:
BASE Fatality List

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In the interest of fairness and accuracy this List will present an inaccurate view when not taken in context. These listed events represent fatalities that have occurred over a period of time spanning 1981 to the present.

This List is not 100% accurate.
These reports change as new information becomes available.
Fatalities are not necessarily in order of their occurrence.

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Categories: Category:BFL
Tags: bfl, canopy, jumps, lines

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