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Larks Head

This page is a chapter in 'BASE Wiki Other Gear'

Larks Head Knot (also known as Larks Foot, Strap Hitch, Girth Hitch, Lanyard Hitch, and Cow Hitch).

The Larks Head knot is a hitch knot used to attach webbing or rope to an object. The Larks Head comprises a pair of half-hitches tied in opposing directions, as compared to the Clove Hitch in which the half-hitches are tied in the same direction. It has several variations and is known under a variety of names. It can be tied either with the end of the rope or with a bight.

Typically, in parachuting, a variation of this is used in a closed loop to attach lines or webbing to parts of the canopy or to each other. Examples of this would be bridle to canopy attachment point, bridle to Pilot Chute, and possibly line attachment points. This method is preferable due to the fact that it does not tend to "jam" up and can easily be done and undone with out using any special tools.

How to tie a Larks Head knot:
Pass the loop of the strap round the harness, strap, or ring. Thread the other end of the strap through the loop. Make sure the strap lies neatly and then pull it tight.

It is important to make sure the material looped is as neat and smooth as possible. Material that is bunched up will create stress points and possibly weaken the hitch.

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