Mark Hart

Mark Hart

BFL# : 352
Date: September 9, 2018
Nationality: British
Location: Nose 3, Lauterbrunnen
Object Type: Earth
Height: TBD
COD: impact/ emergency pull
Clothes / Suit: PTS
Gear /Parachute: hybrid / vision 245
Age: 44
Skydive Experience: 250
BASE Experience: 185
WS BASE Experience: TBD
Number of WS BASE Jumps from this exit: TBD
Years in Base: 2
Time of day: 14:30
Causal factors: TBD
Exit Altitude: TBD
Conditions: clear, moderate winds.
Wind on ground: TBD
Wind on exit: TBD
Wind mid flight: TBD

A 2 way tracking jump was planned from nose 3 with Mark going towards the left and me going right. On exit Mark did a double front flip which over rotated and caused him to be unstable near the wall, at this point I lost sight of him due to my own opening but it seems likely that he did an emergency pull and hit the wall dying almost instantly according to rescue services on the scene. I am uncertain whether he had planned to do aerials or if it was a last minute decision as it wasn’t mentioned prior to the jump. He was hung up about 1/3-1/2 way up on the wall by his canopy whilst rescue services recovered his body and was pronounced dead soon afterwards. Mark had experience with aerials but not from this exit point, it was his second jump from nose 3 that day.
Mark recently proposed to his long term partner, Anna. Which she accepted during Air Gamez 2018 event. He also leaves behind twin girls who are three years old. Mark had many friends across the world who will be devastated to hear of his passing.

Updated from his partner Anna who wanted to share 9th Feb 2019
"I had begun to worry that the girls memories of Mark were fading, and what could I do about it. But they were busy being normal 3 year olds and who am I to stop them?

I was wrong.
Of course they were frequently touching on the subject in their games, their teddies would die a lot. I leave them to it or give them hugs and talk about it. I want them to be able to express themselves without fear.
But only just this last week, have they suddenly shown me they have a heart as heavy as any adult.
Bethany has had fierce fierce tantrums then when the storm passes she cries very gently for Daddy. She looked at me one morning and said sweetly that she cries in the night because she misses him.
But as I put them to bed tonight she wept and howled as if with fresh pain. Then Megan’s barriers dropped and she wept too. I carried them both to my bed and we huddled together looking at baby photos to cheer ourselves up.
What a long road it is for my precious girls. And how it hurts not to be able to make things right for them."

The List:
BASE Fatality List

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In the interest of fairness and accuracy this List will present an inaccurate view when not taken in context. These listed events represent fatalities that have occurred over a period of time spanning 1981 to the present.

This List is not 100% accurate.
These reports change as new information becomes available.
Fatalities are not necessarily in order of their occurrence.

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