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Michael Leming

It’s Way Easier to Cause a Pin Lock Than You Think - Apex BASE
Michael Leming

Date: June 25, 2016
Nationality: American
Object Type: Earth
Location: waterfall exit, Kjerag, Norway
COD: Pin Lock Malfunction
Clothes / Suit: Wingsuit / Colugo 2
Parachute: TBD
Experience: 1200 skydives and 235 Base jumps
Time of day: TBD


"The Jumper in question, whilst on the exit point, had realized his bottom pin had become dislodged. After taking off his gear and re-adjusting his pin into the closing loop, he had packed himself a pin lock malfunction. As you can see, it seems that whilst the jumper was on the exit point closing his bottom pin back, he has not taken the bridle and pc out of its stow and continued packing it differently as to how you would whilst packing after a jump. Because of the pilot chute still in its stow and the bridle tucked away under the bottom closing flap, he has effectively closed it with the bridle on the inside of the closing loop..
This caused the pilot chute when pulled would expand in the air and start the sequence but stopped when it reached the pin because of the way it was figured.

The jumper died immediately after pilot chute/bridle fully extracted and impacted at high speed.

Please, as a warning to others whilst base jumping, take the time to slow down and remember to do all the things you have been trained to do and not skip any steps whilst packing your ONLY parachute."

The List:
BASE Fatality List

*** Please send updates, additions, corrections, or comments to: bfl@baselogic.com, or please contact us.

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You do not have permission to quote anything presented herein without consent.

In the interest of fairness and accuracy this List will present an inaccurate view when not taken in context. These listed events represent fatalities that have occurred over a period of time spanning 1981 to the present.

This List is not 100% accurate.
These reports change as new information becomes available.
Fatalities are not necessarily in order of their occurrence.

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It’s Way Easier to Cause a Pin Lock Than You Think - Apex BASE
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