Nicolas Gubian

Nicolas Gubian

BFL#: 500 (29th of the year)
Name: Nicolas Gubian
Date: 7 November 2024
Nationality: French
Location: Mt Granier, Savoie, France
Object Type: Earth
COD: Impact full flight
Clothes/Suit: C race Wingsuit
Gear/Parachute: Unknown
Age: 37
Skydive Experience: Unknown
BASE Jumps: Unknown
Years/Seasons: Unknown
Time of Day: 12:45 PM
Exit Altitude: 6233 feet (1900 m amsl)
Conditions: Perfect Conditions
Wind: Unknown


We were on the wingsuit exit of Mt Granier. In the previous days, Nico was used to jumping a gainer with his wingsuit and did it also on this jump. The rotation seemed ok (maybe a little bit over rotated but not much).

He then didn't manage to control the suit at the end of the rotation. He lost control, did a few left and right strong turns and then hit the cliff.

Rescue helicopter was immediately called and found his body quickly under the exit. But they were only able to confirm he was immediately killed by the high speed impact.

A more detailed report will come later.

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