BLiNC Magazine

Niklas Petersen Printable Version

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SFFL: 40
September 9, 2014
Nationality: Unknown
Location: Hinterrugg Switzerland
COD: Impact / Launch Failure / Collapse
Ground Launching or Skiing: Ground Launching
Wing Type: Swing Mirage 9m²
Wing loading: Unknown
Age: 36
Experience: Unknown
Beacon/Locator/Etc (Spot, inReach, Recco, GPS): Unknown


Collapse directly at the cliff launch, resulting in him crashing down the steep rocky terrain, he died on scene.

Umbrella folded in: Speedflyer falls to his death on the Churfirsten - 20 minutes

If anyone has additional information, and images we can use for this entry, please contact us.

The List:
Speed Flying Fatality List

*** Please send updates, additions, corrections, or comments to:, or please contact us.

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In the interest of fairness and accuracy this List will present an inaccurate view when not taken in context. These listed events represent fatalities that have occurred over a period of time spanning 1999 to the present.

This List is not 100% accurate.
These reports change as new information becomes available.
Fatalities are not necessarily in order of their occurrence.

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