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Patrick Noti

November 6, 2008
Nationality: Unknown
Location: Murren, Switzerland
COD: Impact into trees
Ground Launching or Skiing: ground launching
Wing Type: Swing Savage 10m²
Age: 29
Experience: Unknown


Patrick and his friend were the whole day flying from Muerren to Stechelberg. They were testing the Swing Savage 10m wing and comparing to the Paratech 11m.
They did not take off on the regular speed-flying take off at the mast of the transport cable car. They used the Acro-Take-off called Tennisplatz, which is a nice steep, but short grassy field. It ends in evergreen trees, where you have to fly over. With a paraglider no problem, on a speedriding glider limit to impossible. Patrick had already taken off 7 times this day, never with a problem.

On the last flight at 6 o'clock in the evening, Patrick didn't make it over the trees anymore. It is believed he hit a tree partially but didn`t get stuck in it and then fell over the next cliff which is about 30m high.

He came to rest on the place where the via ferrata is going trough. His friend, who took off first said there was no tailwind on take off. It is now believed that Patrick forgot to close the trimmers on the back risers, because they were found open after the rescue. It is very uncertain that Patrick opened them right after take off, because there is only 2 seconds from take off to the trees. The trimmers were 8cm on this glider, what results in a lot more take off space and a poor glide.


If anyone has additional information, and images we can use for this entry, please contact us.

The List:
Speed Flying Fatality List

*** Please send updates, additions, corrections, or comments to: bfl@baselogic.com, or please contact us.

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You do not have permission to quote anything presented herein without consent.

In the interest of fairness and accuracy this List will present an inaccurate view when not taken in context. These listed events represent fatalities that have occurred over a period of time spanning 1999 to the present.

This List is not 100% accurate.
These reports change as new information becomes available.
Fatalities are not necessarily in order of their occurrence.

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