This page is a chapter in 'BASE Wiki Sites and Events'
In Romsdalen we have well known landmarks as Trollstigen, Trollwall, Romsdalshorn, Romsdalsfjord and Norways most beautiful railway "Rauma Railway". The nature are wild and beautiful, and made for active people.
The Troll Wall is part of the mountain massif Trolltindene (Troll Peaks) in the Romsdal valley, near Åndalsnes and Molde, on the Norwegian west coast. Troll Wall is the tallest vertical rock face in Europe, 1100 meters from the base to the summit at its tallest. At its steepest, the summit overhangs the base by nearly fifty meters.
The rock is gneiss, and its large formations are shaping a broken face of huge corners, concave roofs, and crack systems, topped with a unique series of spires and pinnacles parading the summit rim. The rock is generally loose, and rock fall is the norm in this immense north facing big wall. A series of huge rock falls swiped the wall in autumn 1998, radically changing the character of several climbing routes.
The Troll Wall has been a prestigious goal for climbers and BASE jumpers alike. In 1984 Carl Boenish, the "father" of BASE jumping, was killed on the Troll Wall shortly after setting the world record for the highest BASE jump in history. BASE jumping from Troll Wall has been illegal since 1986.
BASE tourism is a growing part of the destinations, not only for active jumpers, but also for tourist who come to se the "flying humans". Mountain flying is spectacular to see, and easy to see, since the infrastructure make it possible to get close to the jumpers arena.
Read more about Troll Wall
Troll Wall Wikipedia
The Troll Wall is part of the mountain massif Trolltindene (Troll Peaks) in the Romsdal valley, near Åndalsnes and Molde, on the Norwegian west coast. Troll Wall is the tallest vertical rock face in Europe, 1100 meters from the base to the summit at its tallest. At its steepest, the summit overhangs the base by nearly fifty meters.
The rock is gneiss, and its large formations are shaping a broken face of huge corners, concave roofs, and crack systems, topped with a unique series of spires and pinnacles parading the summit rim. The rock is generally loose, and rock fall is the norm in this immense north facing big wall. A series of huge rock falls swiped the wall in autumn 1998, radically changing the character of several climbing routes.
The Troll Wall has been a prestigious goal for climbers and BASE jumpers alike. In 1984 Carl Boenish, the "father" of BASE jumping, was killed on the Troll Wall shortly after setting the world record for the highest BASE jump in history. BASE jumping from Troll Wall has been illegal since 1986.
BASE tourism is a growing part of the destinations, not only for active jumpers, but also for tourist who come to se the "flying humans". Mountain flying is spectacular to see, and easy to see, since the infrastructure make it possible to get close to the jumpers arena.
Read more about Troll Wall
Troll Wall Wikipedia
BASE jumping in Romsdalen
1. Romsdalen suits experienced big wall jumpers best. Good tracking skills are absolutely a must!
2. We do not have an active club to take care of new comers like Kjerag.
3. Contacts are those who are present in the valley at the time.
4. If you come to Romsdalen you have to know one week on the ground is not unusual. 2 weeks or more is recommended if you come here for jumping.
5. Base jumping is legal in Norway, but Troll wall is illegal. This is because of potentially complicated rescues and danger for the rescue team. Please respect Troll Wall, and if you decide to jump make sure you know where to jump, and have the skills to make a safe jump there. We do not recommend jumping in the no fly zone at all! (see attached picture). Police decide if this area is safe or not for a rescue operation, and this can easily be changed to other sites if there is too many difficult and dangerous rescues at other sites as well. The fine for a jump in troll wall is 20 000 nok + all jump related equipment, including camera! Click on the image to see the criticle area in Trollwall.
6. The locals are great to us, and they are pleased to have jumpers coming visiting the valleys, but treat them with respect, and be respectful of your driving around private property. Do not park cars on grass fields, or camp! Landing is in most cases okay. The locals love to watch jumping, and it is common to inform them before jumping.
7. Make sure you know where you are jumping in case of emergency, and not only the jumpers nick name of the place.
8. Be fit for long hikes, and have proper clothing for mountain hiking. Prepare for spending the night outdoor.
9. Always jump with a radio (Motorola USA coding) and get yourself a Norwegian sim card for your phone. It makes it easier to keep in contact with the locals or the emergency team if necessary. Fully charged batteries are always important, since a rescue can take time. Most of the walls have loose rocks, and a rescue operation can take time to plan. If you get stuck, try to collect your gear, sit still, and wait for contact with the locals, or rescue team. Always leave your personal information and phone number with someone.
10. The media have an eye on us after several close calls and rescues, so behave yourself and minimize (or eliminate) your reckless jumping, and behavior. What one jumpers does, will affect the whole group!
11. Help us keep the hikes and exit points clean. What you bring up, you bring down.
12. Most of the walls are heavily affected by south eastern wind. When jumping you should always have people on the ground, and do not push the limits with this wind direction. At times there can be some wind on the exit point, and on the ground, but on the talus it is strong turbulence. On exit there was no wind, I was just accelerating & building speed, got a good track going with a lot of energy, but then I surprised by the turbulence & cross winds. The wind almost flipped me around twice and caused me to lose a lot of height. After opening, the canopy collapsed and re-inflated several times. See video. The first is Paul Fortun and Kristian Rønning in 2005. The latest video is Hege Ringard from summer 2009.
South east wind tracking video and canopy flying Karlskråtind:
You do not get groundrush in big walls with steep talus!
You always assume you are higher than you are!
Turbulence does affect your opening, and hitting the brakes before completely pressurized is not a good idea!
You always assume you are higher than you are!
Turbulence does affect your opening, and hitting the brakes before completely pressurized is not a good idea!
Emergency numbers Norway
- Police and rescue emergency number 112
Local weather
Tourist information
World BASE Race
Local weather
Tourist information
World BASE Race
Important wingsuit flying information!
With wingsuits the mountain flyers have many choices to fly lines of long distance, without any control for witness to see where they will end up, if they are missing. In a big mountain terrain it can be difficult to locate where the jumper are, and life saving time can be lost during a rescue operation just to locate the jumper or just to confirm they are okay. My advice will be to to choose colors which is easy to see. Communication with the ground crew, and fellow jumpers is very important, when you jump, and a known flightplan.
Another issue I want to discuss!
Are the jumpers responsible for the rescue team? To make sure if they have an accident, to not end up in a place where they will create a dangerous situation for the rescue team?
When a climber have an accident, it is usually a well known climbing route, but mountain flyers can end up any place where they have no knowledge about the location. Rescue team in Norway have told me to inform jumpers, if they are stuck they have to know the operation will take time. Normal procedure is to search, locate, evaluate area and risk. Then prepare for a rescue with the equipment they carry on-board. When they have located you, they log the place, for then return back to a safe place to coordinate with the crew. When they leave you hanging on the spot, it does not mean they have given you up, it just means they are planning the rescue, and it will take time. If heli rescue is not possible it will be the mountain rescue team by climbers. This will delay the operation even more, if not in hours but even days. This is due to very loose rocks in Romsdalen area, that even small rocks can take out the heli, and climbers. Be prepared physically and mentally you are going to be there for a awhile while they getting ready. Also remember in Norwegian mountains the weather changes quickly, and this is very important to remember and to be made in to you conclusion about which route you are going to fly. IF Bad weather coming in, you should ease your flight, and make sure you will be home safe! Even considering not to jump! South east wind is usually no go in Romsdalen!
I know many of you will say this is BASE jumping, and it is in the nature of what we are doing, but we also have others than our selves to think about!
When a climber have an accident, it is usually a well known climbing route, but mountain flyers can end up any place where they have no knowledge about the location. Rescue team in Norway have told me to inform jumpers, if they are stuck they have to know the operation will take time. Normal procedure is to search, locate, evaluate area and risk. Then prepare for a rescue with the equipment they carry on-board. When they have located you, they log the place, for then return back to a safe place to coordinate with the crew. When they leave you hanging on the spot, it does not mean they have given you up, it just means they are planning the rescue, and it will take time. If heli rescue is not possible it will be the mountain rescue team by climbers. This will delay the operation even more, if not in hours but even days. This is due to very loose rocks in Romsdalen area, that even small rocks can take out the heli, and climbers. Be prepared physically and mentally you are going to be there for a awhile while they getting ready. Also remember in Norwegian mountains the weather changes quickly, and this is very important to remember and to be made in to you conclusion about which route you are going to fly. IF Bad weather coming in, you should ease your flight, and make sure you will be home safe! Even considering not to jump! South east wind is usually no go in Romsdalen!
I know many of you will say this is BASE jumping, and it is in the nature of what we are doing, but we also have others than our selves to think about!
Jokke Sommers guide to proximity flying!
Received a few questions and since high season for wingsuit flying is coming up, I figured it would be good to write down some basic guidelines that might make your flights a bit better and safer. More and more jumpers are getting into proximity flying these days and instead of being like most others, telling you what you shouldnt do and all that, I rather tell you what I do and what works for me 
The last year there has been quite a few fatalities because of proximity flying. Fatalities that could easily been avoided by just following some simple rules.
Keep in mind that this just my point of view and guidelines that works good for me. I`m not saying I am the one you should listen to, or that this is the correct way of doing it.
First of all, you should NOT fly proximity if you dont have good flying skills and manage to fly your suit 100%!
The exit: When flying proximity, it is important to have a good start. A nice steep exit is the best way if you want to get as much speed as you can from the start. A lot of jumpers have their arms fully spread out and look up at the horizon, kind of like a student exit. While doing that, you increase the chance of starting to fly flat and simply ending up slow. If you sometimes notice the wobble after exit, that is most likely the reason.
First step to a good flight lies in the exit, so if you usually start flat, try some steep exits and you might be surprised how it will affect the rest of your flight
When I exit I find a spot 45 degrees down, keep my arms down and relaxed. I continue to look at the spot not to over rotate, spread my leg wing while I have my arm wings half way out. Then after 2 sec I go into my normal, steep flying position. With this exit I normally fly 100% with good speed within 3 sec. (Keep in mind that I weigh 58 kg, which does help for a quick start)
Use your time and know the area: A simple rule is to jump a cliff multiple times before you go close. Its kind of common sense, but not everyone is doing that. A good tip is to spend a few hours on Google Earth the night before you go to a new cliff. Measure heights, distances and create a line you want to fly, suitable for your experience level. Doing easy homework like that makes you a bit more ready for the jump. It also gives you a better feeling on the exit, in case you wonder if you can make it to the landing area etc.
Fly the line you planned, but with a good safe margin. On the first jump is very important to see what`s coming up far ahead of your flight. If the line is not straight forward, keep good distance from the terrain so you avoid any surprises when you come around the corner. It might look clean on Google Earth, but a tree or a ledge is usually not so easy to see on the computer screen
On the second flight, you can start to put in your reference points.
Reference points: Or checkpoints like I like to call them, is something I use a lot when I fly. They are important and give`s you feedback of where you are at all times. They tell you everything you need to know, your height, your speed, when to start/stop your turn and if you are still in a safe zone. The more times you jump a cliff, the more checkpoints you put up. They can also be good when you have one of those shitty flights and you don`t make it to a checkpoint. Then you know that you have to go straight to plan B.
Anyway, an example. I probably did the High Nose flight to the left 30 times, on the first jumps I had no checkpoints and had to focus on my height, the wall and multiple things at the same time. So of course I couldn't go close. Now, with all my checkpoints I can feel comfortable 2m next to the wall.
"2 sec after exit, dive to the black spot to gain speed, flare a bit out, fly tight on the wall, buzz the ledge that sticks a bit more out, do a slight turn back into the wall, buzz the next corner, fly into the waterfall and disconnect from the wall.
So, with all those checkpoints, I don`t need to focus on my height and can concentrate only on the line.
I`m a bit more conservative when it comes to checkpoints I put up while flying over stuff. Flying over and between stuff is my favorite, but they are a lot more dangerous than flying proximity on a straight wall.
The Jungfrau heli jump, for example, has 4 main checkpoints. First one, on the top corner of the cliff edge to the right, second one, between the trees on the first saddle, third one on some random tree I need to dive for to build up more energy, then use that energy to put my 4th checkpoint on the small bush on the last wall before disconnecting. It might not look conservative on the video, but conservative for me is to fly with a lot of energy and reserve in my suit.
I exited the helicopter very high and a bit far back of my first checkpoint. I had about 30 sec of setting up and building up massive amount of speed and reserve. I flattened a bit out when I came down to the first checkpoint and used my speed to generate a nice glide ratio and a comfortable speed for the proximity on the wall. When I came around the corner I still had a nice glide and had to make a decision where I was going to put my second checkpoint. With the glide and the speed I had, I could have made it over the higher area up to the right, but I don`t like to fly flat, slow and with less reserve. So I decided to put the point of attack further down, between the trees. By doing that, I went back into a steeper flight where I now build up more of the energy I already used. So, in case I find myself in a dangerous situation, I now have more reserve to go over to a plan B. (If I would have gone for the higher spot and miscalculated, I would have no reserve, and in worst case, impacted the cliff). After passing through the trees, same story again. Fly steep, build up energy and turn it into a nice glide for the proximity on the next wall
So, the more checkpoints you put up in your line, the more fun it will be
And the best part about it, is that those flights feels a lot more comfortable and is a lot safer than most other ones!
Just remember that speed is the main key. The faster the better, but find a nice balance and your own comfort zone.
Plan A and Plan B: The difference between your main plan and your escape plan can in some cases be the difference between life and death. ALWAYS have an escape plan! If flying close to a wall, be ready for a quick disconnect. A wall is usually not shaved, so if you are playing as close as a few meters, a ledge can surprise you! Then it`s important to use your checkpoints and actually respecting them by going over to plan B if you have the slightest doubt.
Plan B when it comes to flying over stuff is a bit different. In some cases you might not have the opportunity to do a turn into safety. So, therefore I don`t recommend to fly over stuff in a flat glide with slow speed. The only way you can pull yourself out of a dangerous situation while being over stuff is to use the speed reserve you got left in your suit. Use it to change your glide ratio and make it over the critical part.
Anyway, if you are not 100% comfortable flying your suit steep and fast, you should NOT fly over stuff.
Jumped a place where there is a bit of strong winds in the middle of the day, kind of like Brento. Because of the winds, I was flying with a plan B in my mind when I came to the area where the winds had more affect on the flying. I was in a steep flight with a good angle of attack on a nice, green bush. Plan A was to fly over it by 1-2m. In case I had to go over to plan B, I decided to set my target on the very left corner, so the difference between my plan A and B where about a meter. About 4-5 sec before I would have passed, I felt a small gust slowing me down a bit. Went instantly over to plan B, but of curiosity of my calculations I kept the same flight angle, only changed my point of attack to the side instead of the top corner. When I passed the bush I was slightly below it, so if I would have continued with my plan A, I would have impacted. No doubt about it.."
Enough said, ALWAYS jump with a plan B, ready to rock! It makes your flights a lot safer and it might save your life
Setup: To start a line with a nice setup is important. On most cliffs you might not have the altitude for long setups, but if you some day do helicopter flights, it can be a good idea to start a bit higher up and more back to gain extra setup time. When I start a proximity line with a long setup, I use that time to build up all the energy and speed I need, but also feel my suit, tune my body position, feel the wind, lift and other weather conditions. In some cases I have up to 30 seconds of setup time, with all that time I can start my proximity line with 100% confidence and be ready for it.
While flying proximity in the alps, it`s a bit more important to have some start setup. Because of the altitude, the air is a lot thinner and it might not be as much lift you are usually used to have. It can be good the first day, and totally dead air the next day.
If you do choose to do a long setup, fly relaxed! It`s not a good idea to be tired in your arms when you start a 1 min long proximity line. If you get tired, abort your flight. Tired = Shitty flight.
An example, on the Tabasco line, the setup was the most important factor of the flight. Did five jumps where I tried different setups. The easiest way would be to exit high and far back, then aim and fly trough the crack, but I wanted it to be a line with proximity before and after flying trough.
After two flights I got a bit skeptic and had to change the setup. I skipped some of the first proximity, mostly because I had to do a hard turn towards the crack after flying over the ridge. Also, the angle of attack was way too steep.
Two more flights, but still no crack attack. Since its hidden around the corner, the setup is a bit hard to figure out, but two more flights meant two more checkpoints. So, on the final flight a few weeks later I didnt care so much about the proximity, only had focus on the setup for the checkpoints.
With a 40 second long setup, I had time to find my sweet spot and get comfortable with the flight conditions, which was very good that day. Since I couldn't see the crack, I was flying towards my checkpoints. If my calculations where right, the crack should be straight up front and slightly below with a nice angle of attack.
After passing the checkpoints, the crack was at the spot I had imagined. Then I had 3 sec to make up my mind if I was going for plan A or B. Conditions where good, I had a comfortable glide and perfect speed. It looked pretty tight, but I had already done my homework when it came to whether I would fit trough or not. Still had a good feeling, so decided to fly trough the widest part at the top of the crack.. And yeah, it was scary!
So, using time on your setup can be a good thing at places you dont have any room for error.
Reserve: Same stuff I mentioned before, but can never be mentioned enough! ALWAYS fly with reserve, the more the better! And do as much training as you can in beforehand so you know when to use it, and how to get the most out of it when you need it!
Current: Staying current is as important that actually wearing a wingsuit while wingsuit flying. If you are not current, then stay away from the terrain! Just because you had a sick flight last summer doesnt mean you will have the same flight experience almost a year later. And what about your checkpoints, do you remember where you left them on the last jump? Just give it 5-10 jumps and your back in business!
What wingsuit: Well, that`s a topic that`s never gonna die out, but since we are now talking about proximity flying, there is only one choice for me. The suits from Phoenix fly. Made by professional proximity flyers, with performance in mind. The Phantom 2 and the Vampire are suits that have amazing stability, tons of speed and a quick response when it comes to handling. All the important aspects you need while you fly proximity.
Which one of those you should choose is mostly up to you.
If I had less than 50 flights, I would go for the Phantom 2. Spend a season with it, then consider going over to a V3. Have seen some jumpers that where flying their Phantom 2 a lot faster and better than they are now with their V3`s. But of course, everyone is different and what works for you might not work at all for me. The best would be to try them both while skydiving, at least 10 times each. So if you got that chance, go for it!
If you already bought a V3 and you can`t find the sweet spot yet, just give it some time and more jumps and you will be happy. I didnt like mine the first 5-6 flights, but now I wouldnt change it for a million dollar contract and some other suit. Rather steal my car than my Vampire
This is only my point of view. A Tony Suit might be a better choice if you are more interested in getting as long distance as possible on your jumps, but when it all comes to the flight, the pilot is the most important thing anyway!
Legpouch or BOC?: Pros and Cons for both of them. I might not be the one talking about legpouch because I have never used it, but after five incidents almost ending up in a fatality in less than 2 years, it should be used wisely.
Read the user manual properly!
If you do have the chance to skydive it, do it until you have the muscle memory in you!
If you have to Base it for the first time, be smart and pull high. It`s common sense, I know. But not everyone is doing it..
Don`t stuff the PC all the way in, leaving only the handle sticking out! But also, make sure it stays tight enough so you dont risk getting pre-mature deployment. That can be fatal while flying close to terrain.
Buy a proper PC. The vented 36" PC with hat and handle from Morpheus is in my opinion, the best choice!
The hat and handle together makes it big and rock solid to grab, while the hat minimizes the risk of the PC going further into the legpouch. And simply minimizes the risk of the classic "No pull find"
If you decide to go BOC with the V3, the hat and handle PC is a MUST!!
Also, try the BOC multiple times from the plane before you use it in Base!
Things you simply dont do:
Never catch your own shadow! And dont be too focused on it either. They are fun to hunt, but while flying close to the wall, they can be very distracting.
NEVER bend your knees/legs to kill altitude or to get down to the point you want to fly close!!! If you do so, you should quit jumping for a while and sign up for a course in Aerodynamics. ASAP!
When you fly a line, keep your focus on the point you need to clear. Dont focus on the stuff half way and then start looking at the ledge/ cliff you need to clear. Remember that you cant fly up! At least not yet
Dont fly at spots where you risk to box yourself in!
Dont fly over ledges or terrain covered in snow when overcast and in flat light. It`s almost impossible to judge your height over snow in flat light conditions!
Dont be ignorant and believe that you are invincible.
Simply, dont rush it!
Some basic stuff and tips:
Make a list for yourself where you write down your own rules. Wind limits, distance from the terrain, when to go over to plan B, pull height etc. If you follow your own rules and respect them, you will be a safer jumper and might not ever end up in a dangerous situation.
If you have a shitty exit and start your flight a bit too flat, ending up in wobbling. Or if you feel that you dont have the normal speed, simply go straight to plan B. Follow that rule as muscle memory. One day it might be the best choice you made : )
Do it all step by step. The smaller the better. Dont push it too hard on spots where you dont know the terrain 100%
Pull high! If proximity flying is what you like the most, there is pointless to smoke it down after your line is finished. Do your line, disconnect and pull. But clear the wall enough so you got time for a 180.
Turning with a wingsuit is not like turning your car. It`s a bit like sliding on the ice. So if you fly at a spot where you need to turn away from an object sooner or later, make sure you start the turn with enough space for the slide
If an experienced flyer says that you fly a bit flat/slow and the jump might not suit your experience level, dont ignore it!
Know your limits!
If skydiving, dont do too much wingsuit flocking. At least, dont get too used to it. Flocking might be fun, but it is not wingsuit flying. Spend more time hunting clouds and racing with other experienced flyers instead
Attack your line with speed!
Ask other experienced jumpers. No question is too stupid to ask.
Be conservative. Proximity is fun but not worth dying for.
Read more about body position, wingsuit aerodynamics and wingsuit flying in general, written by the experts, here:
Besides that, have a good season and have fun!
Jokke Sommer

The last year there has been quite a few fatalities because of proximity flying. Fatalities that could easily been avoided by just following some simple rules.
Keep in mind that this just my point of view and guidelines that works good for me. I`m not saying I am the one you should listen to, or that this is the correct way of doing it.
First of all, you should NOT fly proximity if you dont have good flying skills and manage to fly your suit 100%!
The exit: When flying proximity, it is important to have a good start. A nice steep exit is the best way if you want to get as much speed as you can from the start. A lot of jumpers have their arms fully spread out and look up at the horizon, kind of like a student exit. While doing that, you increase the chance of starting to fly flat and simply ending up slow. If you sometimes notice the wobble after exit, that is most likely the reason.
First step to a good flight lies in the exit, so if you usually start flat, try some steep exits and you might be surprised how it will affect the rest of your flight

When I exit I find a spot 45 degrees down, keep my arms down and relaxed. I continue to look at the spot not to over rotate, spread my leg wing while I have my arm wings half way out. Then after 2 sec I go into my normal, steep flying position. With this exit I normally fly 100% with good speed within 3 sec. (Keep in mind that I weigh 58 kg, which does help for a quick start)
Use your time and know the area: A simple rule is to jump a cliff multiple times before you go close. Its kind of common sense, but not everyone is doing that. A good tip is to spend a few hours on Google Earth the night before you go to a new cliff. Measure heights, distances and create a line you want to fly, suitable for your experience level. Doing easy homework like that makes you a bit more ready for the jump. It also gives you a better feeling on the exit, in case you wonder if you can make it to the landing area etc.
Fly the line you planned, but with a good safe margin. On the first jump is very important to see what`s coming up far ahead of your flight. If the line is not straight forward, keep good distance from the terrain so you avoid any surprises when you come around the corner. It might look clean on Google Earth, but a tree or a ledge is usually not so easy to see on the computer screen

On the second flight, you can start to put in your reference points.
Reference points: Or checkpoints like I like to call them, is something I use a lot when I fly. They are important and give`s you feedback of where you are at all times. They tell you everything you need to know, your height, your speed, when to start/stop your turn and if you are still in a safe zone. The more times you jump a cliff, the more checkpoints you put up. They can also be good when you have one of those shitty flights and you don`t make it to a checkpoint. Then you know that you have to go straight to plan B.
Anyway, an example. I probably did the High Nose flight to the left 30 times, on the first jumps I had no checkpoints and had to focus on my height, the wall and multiple things at the same time. So of course I couldn't go close. Now, with all my checkpoints I can feel comfortable 2m next to the wall.
"2 sec after exit, dive to the black spot to gain speed, flare a bit out, fly tight on the wall, buzz the ledge that sticks a bit more out, do a slight turn back into the wall, buzz the next corner, fly into the waterfall and disconnect from the wall.
So, with all those checkpoints, I don`t need to focus on my height and can concentrate only on the line.
I`m a bit more conservative when it comes to checkpoints I put up while flying over stuff. Flying over and between stuff is my favorite, but they are a lot more dangerous than flying proximity on a straight wall.
The Jungfrau heli jump, for example, has 4 main checkpoints. First one, on the top corner of the cliff edge to the right, second one, between the trees on the first saddle, third one on some random tree I need to dive for to build up more energy, then use that energy to put my 4th checkpoint on the small bush on the last wall before disconnecting. It might not look conservative on the video, but conservative for me is to fly with a lot of energy and reserve in my suit.
I exited the helicopter very high and a bit far back of my first checkpoint. I had about 30 sec of setting up and building up massive amount of speed and reserve. I flattened a bit out when I came down to the first checkpoint and used my speed to generate a nice glide ratio and a comfortable speed for the proximity on the wall. When I came around the corner I still had a nice glide and had to make a decision where I was going to put my second checkpoint. With the glide and the speed I had, I could have made it over the higher area up to the right, but I don`t like to fly flat, slow and with less reserve. So I decided to put the point of attack further down, between the trees. By doing that, I went back into a steeper flight where I now build up more of the energy I already used. So, in case I find myself in a dangerous situation, I now have more reserve to go over to a plan B. (If I would have gone for the higher spot and miscalculated, I would have no reserve, and in worst case, impacted the cliff). After passing through the trees, same story again. Fly steep, build up energy and turn it into a nice glide for the proximity on the next wall

So, the more checkpoints you put up in your line, the more fun it will be

Just remember that speed is the main key. The faster the better, but find a nice balance and your own comfort zone.
Plan A and Plan B: The difference between your main plan and your escape plan can in some cases be the difference between life and death. ALWAYS have an escape plan! If flying close to a wall, be ready for a quick disconnect. A wall is usually not shaved, so if you are playing as close as a few meters, a ledge can surprise you! Then it`s important to use your checkpoints and actually respecting them by going over to plan B if you have the slightest doubt.
Plan B when it comes to flying over stuff is a bit different. In some cases you might not have the opportunity to do a turn into safety. So, therefore I don`t recommend to fly over stuff in a flat glide with slow speed. The only way you can pull yourself out of a dangerous situation while being over stuff is to use the speed reserve you got left in your suit. Use it to change your glide ratio and make it over the critical part.
Anyway, if you are not 100% comfortable flying your suit steep and fast, you should NOT fly over stuff.
Jumped a place where there is a bit of strong winds in the middle of the day, kind of like Brento. Because of the winds, I was flying with a plan B in my mind when I came to the area where the winds had more affect on the flying. I was in a steep flight with a good angle of attack on a nice, green bush. Plan A was to fly over it by 1-2m. In case I had to go over to plan B, I decided to set my target on the very left corner, so the difference between my plan A and B where about a meter. About 4-5 sec before I would have passed, I felt a small gust slowing me down a bit. Went instantly over to plan B, but of curiosity of my calculations I kept the same flight angle, only changed my point of attack to the side instead of the top corner. When I passed the bush I was slightly below it, so if I would have continued with my plan A, I would have impacted. No doubt about it.."
Enough said, ALWAYS jump with a plan B, ready to rock! It makes your flights a lot safer and it might save your life

Setup: To start a line with a nice setup is important. On most cliffs you might not have the altitude for long setups, but if you some day do helicopter flights, it can be a good idea to start a bit higher up and more back to gain extra setup time. When I start a proximity line with a long setup, I use that time to build up all the energy and speed I need, but also feel my suit, tune my body position, feel the wind, lift and other weather conditions. In some cases I have up to 30 seconds of setup time, with all that time I can start my proximity line with 100% confidence and be ready for it.
While flying proximity in the alps, it`s a bit more important to have some start setup. Because of the altitude, the air is a lot thinner and it might not be as much lift you are usually used to have. It can be good the first day, and totally dead air the next day.
If you do choose to do a long setup, fly relaxed! It`s not a good idea to be tired in your arms when you start a 1 min long proximity line. If you get tired, abort your flight. Tired = Shitty flight.
An example, on the Tabasco line, the setup was the most important factor of the flight. Did five jumps where I tried different setups. The easiest way would be to exit high and far back, then aim and fly trough the crack, but I wanted it to be a line with proximity before and after flying trough.
After two flights I got a bit skeptic and had to change the setup. I skipped some of the first proximity, mostly because I had to do a hard turn towards the crack after flying over the ridge. Also, the angle of attack was way too steep.
Two more flights, but still no crack attack. Since its hidden around the corner, the setup is a bit hard to figure out, but two more flights meant two more checkpoints. So, on the final flight a few weeks later I didnt care so much about the proximity, only had focus on the setup for the checkpoints.
With a 40 second long setup, I had time to find my sweet spot and get comfortable with the flight conditions, which was very good that day. Since I couldn't see the crack, I was flying towards my checkpoints. If my calculations where right, the crack should be straight up front and slightly below with a nice angle of attack.
After passing the checkpoints, the crack was at the spot I had imagined. Then I had 3 sec to make up my mind if I was going for plan A or B. Conditions where good, I had a comfortable glide and perfect speed. It looked pretty tight, but I had already done my homework when it came to whether I would fit trough or not. Still had a good feeling, so decided to fly trough the widest part at the top of the crack.. And yeah, it was scary!
So, using time on your setup can be a good thing at places you dont have any room for error.
Reserve: Same stuff I mentioned before, but can never be mentioned enough! ALWAYS fly with reserve, the more the better! And do as much training as you can in beforehand so you know when to use it, and how to get the most out of it when you need it!
Current: Staying current is as important that actually wearing a wingsuit while wingsuit flying. If you are not current, then stay away from the terrain! Just because you had a sick flight last summer doesnt mean you will have the same flight experience almost a year later. And what about your checkpoints, do you remember where you left them on the last jump? Just give it 5-10 jumps and your back in business!

What wingsuit: Well, that`s a topic that`s never gonna die out, but since we are now talking about proximity flying, there is only one choice for me. The suits from Phoenix fly. Made by professional proximity flyers, with performance in mind. The Phantom 2 and the Vampire are suits that have amazing stability, tons of speed and a quick response when it comes to handling. All the important aspects you need while you fly proximity.
Which one of those you should choose is mostly up to you.
If I had less than 50 flights, I would go for the Phantom 2. Spend a season with it, then consider going over to a V3. Have seen some jumpers that where flying their Phantom 2 a lot faster and better than they are now with their V3`s. But of course, everyone is different and what works for you might not work at all for me. The best would be to try them both while skydiving, at least 10 times each. So if you got that chance, go for it!
If you already bought a V3 and you can`t find the sweet spot yet, just give it some time and more jumps and you will be happy. I didnt like mine the first 5-6 flights, but now I wouldnt change it for a million dollar contract and some other suit. Rather steal my car than my Vampire

This is only my point of view. A Tony Suit might be a better choice if you are more interested in getting as long distance as possible on your jumps, but when it all comes to the flight, the pilot is the most important thing anyway!
Legpouch or BOC?: Pros and Cons for both of them. I might not be the one talking about legpouch because I have never used it, but after five incidents almost ending up in a fatality in less than 2 years, it should be used wisely.
Read the user manual properly!
If you do have the chance to skydive it, do it until you have the muscle memory in you!
If you have to Base it for the first time, be smart and pull high. It`s common sense, I know. But not everyone is doing it..
Don`t stuff the PC all the way in, leaving only the handle sticking out! But also, make sure it stays tight enough so you dont risk getting pre-mature deployment. That can be fatal while flying close to terrain.
Buy a proper PC. The vented 36" PC with hat and handle from Morpheus is in my opinion, the best choice!
The hat and handle together makes it big and rock solid to grab, while the hat minimizes the risk of the PC going further into the legpouch. And simply minimizes the risk of the classic "No pull find"

If you decide to go BOC with the V3, the hat and handle PC is a MUST!!
Also, try the BOC multiple times from the plane before you use it in Base!
Things you simply dont do:
Never catch your own shadow! And dont be too focused on it either. They are fun to hunt, but while flying close to the wall, they can be very distracting.
NEVER bend your knees/legs to kill altitude or to get down to the point you want to fly close!!! If you do so, you should quit jumping for a while and sign up for a course in Aerodynamics. ASAP!
When you fly a line, keep your focus on the point you need to clear. Dont focus on the stuff half way and then start looking at the ledge/ cliff you need to clear. Remember that you cant fly up! At least not yet

Dont fly at spots where you risk to box yourself in!
Dont fly over ledges or terrain covered in snow when overcast and in flat light. It`s almost impossible to judge your height over snow in flat light conditions!
Dont be ignorant and believe that you are invincible.
Simply, dont rush it!

Some basic stuff and tips:
Make a list for yourself where you write down your own rules. Wind limits, distance from the terrain, when to go over to plan B, pull height etc. If you follow your own rules and respect them, you will be a safer jumper and might not ever end up in a dangerous situation.
If you have a shitty exit and start your flight a bit too flat, ending up in wobbling. Or if you feel that you dont have the normal speed, simply go straight to plan B. Follow that rule as muscle memory. One day it might be the best choice you made : )
Do it all step by step. The smaller the better. Dont push it too hard on spots where you dont know the terrain 100%
Pull high! If proximity flying is what you like the most, there is pointless to smoke it down after your line is finished. Do your line, disconnect and pull. But clear the wall enough so you got time for a 180.
Turning with a wingsuit is not like turning your car. It`s a bit like sliding on the ice. So if you fly at a spot where you need to turn away from an object sooner or later, make sure you start the turn with enough space for the slide
If an experienced flyer says that you fly a bit flat/slow and the jump might not suit your experience level, dont ignore it!
Know your limits!
If skydiving, dont do too much wingsuit flocking. At least, dont get too used to it. Flocking might be fun, but it is not wingsuit flying. Spend more time hunting clouds and racing with other experienced flyers instead

Attack your line with speed!
Ask other experienced jumpers. No question is too stupid to ask.
Be conservative. Proximity is fun but not worth dying for.
Read more about body position, wingsuit aerodynamics and wingsuit flying in general, written by the experts, here:
Besides that, have a good season and have fun!

Jokke Sommer
Fatalities in Romsdalen (13)
- 1. CARL BOENISH Stabben Stabbe Wall June 07, 1984 (AMERICAN)
- 2. JORGEN HAKONSON Bruraskaret Troll Wall August 18, 1985 (SWEDISH)
- 3. JARI MYNTTINNEN Bruraskaret Troll Wall August 24, 1985 (FINLAND)
- 4. JOHN FOSTER Trollspiret Troll Wall June 20, 1986 (AUSTRALIAN)
- 5. DANIEL TWOMEY Trollspiret Troll Wall August 04, 1999 (AUSTRALIAN)
- 6. TORE LILLEBOSTAD Hårstadnebba Sunndalsøra August 25, 2002 (NORWEGIAN)
- 7. KIRILL KISELEV Vikesaksa Eikesdalen First wingsuit fatality September 01, 2002 (RUSSIAN)
- 8. LINUS RAINS Labben Stabbe Wall July 23, 2003 (SWEDISH)
- 9. TONY COOMBES Labben Stabbe Wall May 27, 2006 (AUSTRALIAN)
- 10. STEPHEN RICHARD ANDERTON Langrabpiggen Sunndalsøra August 14, 2007 (AUSTRALIAN)
- 11. TOMMY HJERTO Stabben Stabbe Wall September 09, 2008 (NORWEGIAN)
- 12. Gorm Irgens Østlie Karlskråtind April 07, 2009 (NORWEGIAN)
- 13. Mike Warren - Bispen - August 10, 2009 (South African)
- 14. Yngve Føsker Fjeldstad - Oct 08, 2010 Norwegian
See Statistic page
See BASE Fatality List
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