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Shaun Otto

Shaun Otto

Date: August 17, 2014
Nationality: Australian
Object Type: Earth
Location: Le Brevent, France
COD: Impact
Clothes / Suit: Wingsuit


Shaun was nearing the end of a three-month BASE tour in Europe. He was an experienced wingsuit BASE jumper flying Line 2 at Brevent, with several jumps from this exit the previous season, flying the same line and others.

This year, he was flying a new suit known to have flight characteristics that differ from his previous suit. One of the notable differences, when comparing the two suits, is how a pilot would fly a very steep line, such as those found at Brevent.
Shaun was hyper-current this season, on his current suit; however, it was said that he did not have as much experience flying this particular suit at the highly aggressive angles required to fly the Brevent lines.
While turning left above line 2, he began a hard dive to get down to the terrain. Shaun stopped his dive around 3-4 meters above the line, just before a slight right turn, where it appeared he exposed too much of the top surface of his wing to the relative wind, causing a downward force on his flying.
To counter this, Shaun made an abrupt change in his angle of attack, which resulted in a high-speed stall, where he lost stability and tumbled to impact.

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