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Stowed Slider Down

This page is a chapter in 'BASE Wiki Jumping Techniques'

Stowed Slider Down: Seriously! If you are new to going stowed on BASE, you may not have the best body position due to your focus being on something different. This can lead to a serious off heading. Then when you actually pitch, you may encounter issues with your form, the PC packing and/or pitching with poor body position.

There are several things here:
Every person is different. But if you want to lean on the conservative side, pick a jump that you can afford to have a serious off heading, and a pilot chute hesitation all at once.

Seriously! If you are new to going stowed on BASE, you may not have the best body position due to your focus being on something different. This can lead to a serious off heading.

Then when you actually pitch, you may encounter issues with your form, the PC packing and/or pitching with poor body position.


I personally don't think so at 300'. I personally do not go stowed less than 450'. I have 500 BASE jumps and lean to the conservative side. I actually like splitting some of the jumps from hand held to stowed. Keeps both arts in practice.

There is nothing wrong with doing a hand held jump. There is no prestige by going stowed a lower altitudes. The truth is, going stowed is a matter of safety and convenience.

Sometimes it is unsafe to be messing around with a hand held PC when jumping. This is a sure time to go stowed. (Like atop an 11' chain link fence)

There are other times that going stowed is just adding to small issues that could be the "straw that breaks the camels back". Like a 310' Dam with a 90 left and a PC hesitation and no "outs". What is the actual point of that?
So, for a short answer, My opinion is something that is VERY forgiving like a big bridge or even a 1,000' tower slider up. You can track away from the tower and you will have time to think about the added variable on this jump. But you be the judge. The bottom line is that you must be mentally ready for something unwanted to happen. As long as you are mentally ready, over half the battle is over.

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