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Swiss Valley

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The jumping high season in Lauterbrunnen has begun.
Please do not forget to by the landing card at the Horner or the tourist office:
Swiss BASE Association - Home

The situation in Lauterbrunnen is not the best, to many accidents and dead people during the last 12 month. The media is watching very closely and also the BAZL (Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation) is now monitoring Lauterbrunnen (also do to the pressure which came from the media) and are discussing about a general ban of BASE jumping in Switzerland. This would mean the end of jumping in Lauterbrunnen as it would be very easy for them to control the valley do to the fact that it is a valley with only one way out...

With the BASE Landing card we where at least able to pay the farmers an nice amount of money. They are on our side. With the money from the BASE landing card it will stay this way. We need every help we can get. So please don't be cheap and invest the CHF 20.-- (around USD 18.50 and EUR 13.--)

And also don't forget to buy the REGA Rescue card at Rega, Schweizerische Rettungsflugwacht, you can do this online.
Jump hard, pull high enough, don't underestimate the valley and you will have a nice summer with good jumps in Switzerland!
Michi (SBA)

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Weather for Lauterbrunnen, Bern (Switzerland)

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