Tigroux Salidoux

Tigroux Salidoux

Date: June 9, 2018
Nationality: French
Location: La Pelle Vallée de la Drôme. Chaudière pass, France
Object Type: Earth
COD: Clipped Ledge then unstable with low pull (Impact at line stretch)
Clothes / Suit: Troll 225 5 MDV + Zak2
Gear /Parachute: TBD
Age: 27
Skydive Experience: 250
BASE Experience: 400
WS BASE Experience: TBD
Number of WS BASE Jumps from this exit: TBD
Years in Base: 3 seasons
Time of day: 7:00pm
Causal factors: TBD
Exit Altitude: 270 meters
Conditions: TBD
Wind on ground: TBD
Wind on exit: TBD
Wind mid flight: TBD

We are 3 jumpers Tigrou (Jeremia), Sylvain and myself (Thomas)
we decided to jump from the cliff of La Pelle in the "3 becs" mountain it is a 270 metre jump with a very Long canopy ride
from the exit the first section of the jump is underhung 2-3 secs is a ledge to clear then after that it is quite overhung.
On the exit we had no wind and i jumped first in slick and opened with no problems,
Sylvain was in slick as well and jumped a few seconds after myself and opened with no problems.
Jeremia jumped in a Phoenix fly tracking suit (PTS) but as soon as he exited he clipped the underhung section with his legs and this sent him into a violent spin
he was unstable and pulled but it was too late he impacted with the slider still inside the canopy. Sylvain and myself landed and raced up to where he had rested in the forest on the talus but he was dead when we arrived.

Jeremia was the life of the party he was well known by most of the French community and always full of energy and always in a good mood he was a very rounded jumper
with a large range of jumps from static line, urban jumps, slider down, tracking and slick jumping he was extremely enthusiastic with opening new exits and share
them with his friends. He will be missed greatly by the French community and we are all very shocked and saddened by the accident.

The List:
BASE Fatality List

*** Please send updates, additions, corrections, or comments to: bfl@baselogic.com, or please contact us.

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In the interest of fairness and accuracy this List will present an inaccurate view when not taken in context. These listed events represent fatalities that have occurred over a period of time spanning 1981 to the present.

This List is not 100% accurate.
These reports change as new information becomes available.
Fatalities are not necessarily in order of their occurrence.

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