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About the New BASE Wiki.

World BASE Race

This page is a chapter in 'BASE Wiki Sites and Events'

"WBR winners"

Ronny Risvik "The world fastest flying human being 2008"
Frode Johannessen National Champion 2009
Frode Johannessen "The world fastest flying human being 2009"
Frode Johannesse Hellesylt Champion 2010
Espen Fadnes "The world fastest flying human being 2010"
Frode Johannessen National Champion 2011
Frode Johannessen "The world fastest flying human being 2011"
Tony Uragallo "The world fastest flying human being 2012"

Livia Dickie "The world fastest flying woman 2008"
Livia Dickie "The world fastest flying woman 2009"
Livia Dickie "The world fastest flying woman 2010"
Livia Dickie "The world fastest flying woman 2011"
Larissa Sverdlenko "The world fastest flying woman 2012"

32 flying athletes

2 jumper speedrace

750 meter full on race

World BASE Race

WBR web page
WBR Facebook

The world fastest flying human being
750 m full on race between highly skilled BASE jumpers

This is the ultimate challenge a human being can face in a high speed adrenaline sport. Head to head flying, 750 meters in a horizontal race line. A perfect human flight will determine who can call themselves "The world fastest flying human being"; using no more than gravity and a body dressed in a batman suit to achieve the perfect aerodynamic shape. Hans Holmefjord made one jump with a gps last year, which showed maximum speed 234 km/h. I believe the winner had max speed more than 250 km/h.

We want to make the greatest public party for the Athletes and the Public, and show the world what kind of great athletes BASE jumpers is! This is a top skilled athlete sport, where you not only have to perform in front of the public, but also head to head. All rounds have to be hiked, and therefor the winner also have to be in great shape.

World BASE Race Map


World BASE Race gallery

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Categories: Category:Events, Category:Sites
Tags: base, wbr

This page has been seen 13,856 times.

Current Discussion: Main discussion

  1. #1
    We are updating our new web with a new profile. The old one with all information can still be found here.

    [url=http://worldbaserace.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2&Itemid=3]The World BASE Race - Welcome[/url]

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