
Ruben Carbonell Beneyto

BFL# : 373 (10th of the year)

Name: Ruben Carbonell Beneyto
Date: 7th August 2019.
Nationality: Espanol
Location: Fontcalent building - Alicante - Spain
Object Type: Building
COD: Impact due to bridle routing through Lateral.
Clothes / Suit: Slick
Gear / Parachute: Crux / 245 - Hayduke
Age: 29
Skydive Experience: 100 jumps
Paragliding experience: 1000’s of hours in glider
BASE Experience: 50 jumps
WS BASE Experience: 0
Years/Seasons in Base: 2 season
Time of day: 12:55am
Casual factors: Unknown
Exit Altitude: 55 metres
Conditions: Very light tail wind
Wind on exit: slightest tail wind
The fatality in question occurred around midnight, visibility was good with the slightest of tailwind.

The jump had been planned beforehand to arrange everything on the ground before climbing so to minimise the time spent on the object, there was no security or people around we decided to prepare the static line at the car.
Once at the exit we set up the static line, we put a rope with the break chord and we tied the mailion that was in the bridle. The rope was on the handrail because the exit platform was a but sharp and could possibly cut.
when we were ready I remain on his left side , we did the rig check and from my side I could see the pins and the break cord, I never thought that this mistake could happen. After that he did the countdown and he jumped.
then I could see him turning to the right and falling with arms ready to receive the toggles until the end. I didn't understand anything, i checked the break chord had worked. I climbed down and saw him laying dead and at this moment I realised the mistake.
He introduced the bridle through the leg strap, the mistake cost him his life.
He will be remembered for his desire to live, his smile and generosity. fly high Ruben now the sky is yours.

The List:
BASE Fatality List

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In the interest of fairness and accuracy this List will present an inaccurate view when not taken in context. These listed events represent fatalities that have occurred over a period of time spanning 1981 to the present.

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