
Yaroslav Nikulin

399 ( 2nd of the year)
Name: Yaroslav Nikulin
Date: January 6th, 2021
Nationality: Russian
Location: Exit point "Pyramid", Kabardino-Balkaria region, Russia
Object Type: Earth
COD: numerous object strikes
Clothes / Suit: Slick
Gear / Parachute: Troll 285, Hybrid2
Age: 33
Skydive Experience: 300
BASE Jumps: 25
WS BASE Experience: 0
Years/Seasons in Base: 3 months
Time of day: 10 a.m.
Other factors: short night sleep - 5h
Exit Altitude:Conditions: good, very light wind

Yaroslav had ~300 skydive jumps, 180 were made in the 2020 season. Also, he was an experienced acro paraglider pilot and did some jumps with his BASE rig from a paraglider.
He intended to start BASE jumping on a recognized plan - Croatian S + Brento. But because of the covid, the borders were closed, and this became impossible. He applied for training to an inexperienced jumper who lived close to his region. They made several jumps from the antenna after Yaroslav began slider-down jumps from the cliffs. Experienced jumpers told him about the dangers of such jumps without proper training. He admitted that it was "roulette", but said that he hoped for his paragliding skills and psychology (this is a quote).
Finally, his “mentor” took him to the exit point “Pyramid” for his first slider-up jump. There are 250-270 meters of vertical and 30-50 talus.
According to eyewitnesses, after the push, Yaroslav began to deviate to the left side. He threw PC in 3-5 seconds, his canopy opened with an off heading and Yaroslav impacted the wall. He slipped to the bottom, hitting the wall many times. The ambulance arrived quickly enough, but unfortunately, he died in the hospital a few hours later.

Yaroslav was a kind and pleasant guy. He was motivated for wingsuit BASE and big mountains and also designed wingsuit jumping projects from paragliders. Experienced jumpers were surprised by his decision to start his BASE career this way. He will be missed by the community and his family.

The List:
BASE Fatality List

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In the interest of fairness and accuracy this List will present an inaccurate view when not taken in context. These listed events represent fatalities that have occurred over a period of time spanning 1981 to the present.

This List is not 100% accurate.
These reports change as new information becomes available.
Fatalities are not necessarily in order of their occurrence.

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