
Gleison Barion

BFL# 439 (20th of the year)

Name: Gleison Barion
Date: 3rd August, 2022
Nationality: Brazilian
Location: High Trench, Walenstadt, Switzerland
Object Type: Earth
COD: Bad exit to impact
Clothes/Suit: Corvid 1
Gear/Parachute: Hybrid
Age: 47
Skydive Experience: 1800
BASE Jumps: 800
Years/Seasons: Unknown
Time of day: 13:00 (1pm)
Other factors: none
Exit Altitude: Unknown
Conditions: Unknown
Winds: Light head wind but sinking a bit closer to talus

I Had jumped 30 seconds before him and in spite of having a nose wind at the exit down close to the talus it was sinking a bit. The wind wasn't strong. Just a light head wind. He was supposed to jump a few seconds after me, after landing I thought he took too much time to appear and I called other jumpers that were at the Sputnik exit. They went to the high trench exit and saw Gleison's Canopy close to the talus. They called the Air Glacier. Later the Air Glacier said that he impacted very close to the exit. Two things could have happened, he slipped at the exit and had a bad one or he just jumped too head low. He use to have head low exits.,11539776.html

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