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Name: Unknown
Date: December 28, 2009
Nationality: Swiss
Location: Obersaxen, Piz Mundaun, Switzerland
COD: Impact, Rock wall
Ground Launching or Skiing: skiing.
Wing Type: Unknown
Wingloading: Unknown
Age: 26
Experience: Unknown
Beacon/Locator/Etc (Spot, in Reach, Recco, GPS): unknown

On Monday afternoon in Obersaxen area a Speed flyer was killed. He first started as a group of four pilots from Piz Mundaun. Shortly after starting his glider remained hanging from a ledge after the 26-year-old crashed into a rock wall which followed what is thought, a collision with the ropeways just after launch. He then fell about 200 feet down a steep and icy slope. Despite immediate resuscitation attempts by a third person and the mountain rescue service, the pilot couldn't be saved.


If anyone has additional information, and more importantly images we can use for this entry, please contact us.
Categories: Category:SFFL

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