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Jackson Vital De Silva

SFFL# 33
Name: Jackson Vital De Silva
Date: June 18, 2013
Nationality: Brazilian
Location: Serra do Cruzeiro - Tanque d'Arca, Brazil
COD: Impact / Proximity Flying
Ground Launching or Skiing: Ground Launching
Wing Type: Sol - 13m²
Wing loading: Unknown
Age: 29
Experience: Unknown
Beacon/Locator/Etc (Spot, in Reach, Recco, GPS): Unknown


The 29 year old pilot died while flying in the mountainous region of the city of Tank d'Ark, in Alagoas. He was accompanied by another skydiver, Roberto Scheiffer who witnessed the accident. News report says - The wind conditions were favorable. Roberto was the first to launch, so he could then watch Jackson who was new to the sport (2 weeks).

Reports say he attempted an advanced low level turn manoeuvre which is believed to have been the cause of the accident.

If anyone has additional information, and More importantly images we can use for this entry, please contact us.
Categories: Category:SFFL

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