
Astrid Brandal Reynolds

SFFL#: 66
Name: Astrid Brandal Reynolds
Date: April 24th, 2019
Nationality: Norwegian
Location: Loen Skylift, Stryn, Norway
Ground or ski launch: Ground Launch
Conditions: Zero wind - some backwind
Wing: Swing Mirage RS (13)
Weight: 76 kg
Age: 21 years old
Experience: 95 logged speed launches.
Time on wing last used: 1 takeoff before the fatality
License:SPG2 (student-license) - she was 5 takeoffs from upgrading licensing beacon, but was observed of 20 tourists at the top of the gondola.

Main reason of occurrence: Trimmers were 5cm uneven which led the pilot to turn and run against the gondola wire. The launch should have been aborted.

She had a turn right after takeoff and was not able to correct this before she hit the gondola wire. She fell down from the gondola wire about 60m and hit the mountain. According to doctor she died instantly.

Link to the Norwegian rapport of the incident: https://www.nlf.no/sites/default/files/hangglidingparagliding/dokument/19.06.27_nlf-hps_undersokelseskommisjon_0119_anonym.pdf

If anyone has additional information, and more importantly images we can use for this entry, please contact us.

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