BLiNC Magazine

sffl-66 Printable Version

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Patrick Korendijk

SFFL#: 66
Name: Patrick Korendijk
Date: April 20, 2020
Nationality: Dutch
Location: Frafjord, Norway
Condition: 0.5ms wind. Bluebird.
Ground launching or skiing: Ground Launching
Wing type: Mirage rs+ 11
Weight: 75kg
Age: 47
Experience: 1 year(120flights) speed, skydiving
License: SPG3
Description: Cliff launch, 5-7m slope down to cliff. Long flat runway over slope. Tried to abort a takeoff, but was too close to the cliff and didn’t manage to stop. Patrick hit a shelf under takeoff, the wing collapsed, Patrick fell further out off the cliff approx 40m freefall. Patrick died on impact. A good friend of Patrick was waiting on takeoff and called in the rescue, he could not get down due to the steep terrain. From gopro video it was clear that one of the A-Lines O-ring was missing and one of the A-Lines was under the shackle nut, but unknown if this was a factor on Patricks attemped to abort the takeoff. Patrick lived in Norway with his family.

If anyone has additional information, and more importantly images we can use for this entry, please contact us.

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