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About the New BASE Wiki.


This page is a chapter in 'BASE Wiki BLiNC Magazine'

About Translation Codes

Default Translation

      • Each user can set their own default language in their UserCP which will automatically translate all pages to your default language. ***

If you have a different language set, such as German, and you write a post in German, than the post is translated into the other users default language automatically.

Write anything in any language

BBCode for multi-language postings
You should be able to set your default language in your UserCP, then when you write a posting here, it will automatically get translated.

You can also use BBCode using LANG tag, with the language code of the original message to specifically write a message that will get translated:

[LANG=de]German PHRASE to be translated[/LANG]
Which will create this:

[lang=de]BLINC Magazine hat über 53 Sprachen übersetzt worden.[/lang]

[lang=fr]Magazine blinc a été traduit à plus de 53 langues.[/lang]

[lang=no]Blinc Magazine har blitt oversatt til over 53 språk.[/lang]

[lang=es]Revista BLINC ha sido traducido a más de 53 idiomas.[/lang]

[lang=ru]BLiNC 53 .[/lang]

and many, many more languages.

Items that should not be translated.

This is a section that will not be translated. I wrote this in English.
notranslate English
This is a section that will not be translated. I wrote this in English.
notranslate German
Dies ist ein Abschnitt, der nicht übersetzt. Ich schrieb dieses in deutscher Sprache.

User Translation Options

Select Default Language

go to http://www.blincmagazine.com/forum/p...do=editprofile
then you can set your Default language: to any supported language

Plus there are other features such as
  • Translates RSS
  • Full support of archive translation
  • Drop-down menu for flags
  • Automatically detects in which language message is written

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